fredag 11 mars 2011

Vampires Suck!

Becca Crane moves to her dad in Sporks, Washington from Nevada. There she meets Jennifer and Rick her two "friends" but also Edward Sullen and Jacob White. Edward and his family are vampires. Edward and Bella dates, but Edward leaves her and she gets devastated and tries to kill herself. She is now torn between Jacob, whom also has a dark secret, and Edward, but in the end she choose Edward. 

As I dislike Twilight, I love this film. It has a lot of fun jokes on behalf of Twilight, and how people claim Bella and Edward and the rest of the characters are behaving in the book and film.
If you like Twilight, you will probably don't like it that much.
To be able to understand it completely though, you must have either watched or read the books/films, even though you might enjoy some of the things anyway.
I'd say, slapstick and spoofs are the words that describe it, so if you do not like that, then do not watch.

1 kommentar:

  1. Är ett Twilightfan och kan ju inte påstå att jag älskade denna film... Men inte för att det är en twilight-parodi, många av skämten var klockrena! Utan mer för det du skriver i början, att konceptet med sånahär filmer dog i och med Scary movie.
